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novel grafis bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "novel grafis"
  • Samson, married, graphic novelist, poem, short stories.
    Samson, menikah, novel grafis, puisi, cerita pendek.
  • Flight 714 to Sidney is a Tintin graphic novel.
    Penerbangan 714 ke Sidney adalah judul salah satu novel grafis petualangan Tintin.
  • You create graphic novels, Dean.
    Anda membuat novel grafis, Dean.
  • It's a fucking graphic novel, man.
    Ini novel grafis, bung.
  • It is based on Miller's graphic novel of the same name.
    Film tersebut berdasarkan pada novel grafis Miller dengan nama yang sama.
  • It's not a graphic novel.
    Ini bukan novel grafis.
  • No, it's a graphic novel.
    Bukan, itu novel grafis.
  • First Ever Dorje Shugden Graphic Novel in Italian
    Novel Grafis Dorje Shugden Pertama dalam Bahasa Indonesia
  • You read graphic novels?
    Anda membaca novel grafis?
  • Wu has stated that a Hebrew version of the graphic novel is under consideration.
    Wu menyatakan bahwa versi bahasa Ibrani dari novel grafis tersebut sedang dikerjakan.
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